The Rabbit Listened

finished animation

The rabbit listened is my absolute favorite kids’ book, I cry every time I read it. It’s an amazing story that explains that sometimes, when everything goes wrong, you don’t need someone to find a solution for you, you just need someone to be there for you and listen when you want to talk. As someone who’s struggling with depression, this message is very important to me.

I unfortunately had to cut some lines out of the book as I couldn’t make the animals that were present, and didn’t have the time to animate the entire book, I believe I did the best I could with the knowledge, resources, and time I had. I strongly suggest anyone to give it a read, the author (and illustrator) is extremely talented and I hope she sees my animation and likes it.

Pictured above- a serious animator, working seriously, on a serious animation.
This animation is unlike any I’ve done before. The face was the hardest part to animate, blinking is very hard to animate but the result is definitely worth it. I spent almost 10 hours making this animation while sitting in the position seen above for the whole time, my back is killing me. I took over an entire room for a week to make the set and animate in it, and also stole my mom’s phone and some of her time, to make it the best I can. I am happy with the result so I think it was worth it.

Above- the making of Taylor (main puppet), the side characters (Rabbit and snake), and the props (blocks and an origami box)

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